BODYGUARD® Mattresses in Test

"Free choice. Both Bodyguard sides are comfortable to lie on."(test 2/2024)
In the 2/2024 issue of "test", Stiftung Warentest tested the BODYGUARD® Anti-Cartel-Mattress and the 28 cm high BODYGUARD® Box Spring Mattress in the size 90 x 200 cm. Both mattresses have a medium-firm and a firmer side made of foam - both sides are convincing. They are suitable for different body types in the back and side position.
As Good As It Gets: Stiftung Warentest judges: Score 1,6
The BODYGUARD® Anti-Cartel-Mattress was the test winner, making it the best foam mattress ever tested by Stiftung Warentest. It was closely followed by the BODYGUARD® Box Spring Mattress with a score of 1.9.
What Does the Mattress Test Check?
In the mattress test, Stiftung Warentest tests the lying properties of the mattress, its durability, cover, health/environmental properties, handling and declaration. The BODYGUARD® Anti-Cartel-Mattress scored good or very good in all these categories. The BODYGUARD® Box Spring Mattress is hardly inferior to these results in terms of the most important scores. The slightly different score is mainly due to a lower mark in the declaration section.
Two Mattresses for All Body Types
The BODYGUARD® Anti-Cartel-Mattress and the BODYGUARD® Box Spring Mattress achieve what very few mattress tests can: all body shapes are well supported in different positions.In the lying properties category, the mattress test examines the support properties. The result: All body types, from light to heavy, from small to large, lie well on the mattress in both back and side positions - on the BODYGUARD® Anti-Cartel-Mattress and on the BODYGUARD® Box Spring Mattress alike.

Only What Lasts Is Truly Sustainable
The very good results for the BODYGUARD® Anti-Cartel-Mattress and BODYGUARD® Box Spring Mattress in the durability category were awarded by Stiftung Warentest on the basis of a long-term rolling test with a 140 kg roller. It simulates long-term use in the form of turning and tossing sleeping bodies on the mattress. The stability of the mattress core, i.e. whether it retains its firmness and height under the changing influence of bedroom ventilation and body heat, is analysed in the mattress test in a climate chamber. But we demand more from our mattresses: The issue of moisture is barely considered in the test. In addition to the very good results in the area of durability, we have designed our mattress foam to withstand moisture and humidity over a long period of time.
More about QXSchaum® Mattress Foam
Highly Hygienic: The Hybreeze® Mattress Cover
Highly hygienic: the HyBreeze® Mattress Cover The mattress cover was convincing in all respects. Washability was tested here. The mattress test emphasises whether the cover is washable at all, whether it does not form pilling and how the cover is processed overall. The mattress cover comfortably fulfils all these requirements. But we set higher standards for ourselves: the washing temperature is not taken into account in the mattress test. It is important to us that the cover is not just washable, but hygienically clean. That's why you can wash the HyBreeze® Mattress Cover in the washing machine at up to 60 °C.

Health and Environment
In the health and environment category, some testers determine whether they notice a new odour immediately after opening and after four weeks. Experts also test the actual occurrence of harmful substances and compliance with limit values. According to Stiftung Warentest, disposal is also part of this category.
The result: The BODYGUARD® Anti-Cartel-Mattress is a harmless and low-odour mattress. The BODYGUARD® Box Spring Mattress initially had a new odour, which dissipated over time and did not contain any problematic vapours.
More about Health and Environment
Handling and Declaration
The handling and declaration categories each account for 5% of the overall rating in the mattress test. In the handling category, Stiftung Warentest tests the presence and function of the handles when transporting and turning the mattresses. In the declaration section, information such as the material, dimensions and firmness of the mattresses is compared. If the information provided by the manufacturer deviates from the measurements taken by Stiftung Warentest, the mattress is downgraded - whether this has an impact on the general quality of the mattress or not.
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