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Mattress 80×200 cm: The Narrow Standard Size

BODYGUARD® Anti-Cartel-Mattress Germany’s Best-Selling Mattress
BODYGUARD® Box Spring Mattress Boxspring Feeling without metal springs made of 100 % solid foam. One side medium, the other firmer.
BODYGUARD® Anti-Cartel-Mattress Soft Only for soft sleepers. One side is soft, the other side firmer – simply turn it around and change the firmness level.
BODYGUARD® Box Spring Mattress Soft Boxspring Feeling without metal springs made of 100 % solid foam. One side soft, the other firmer.

80×200 cm Mattress for the Small Pleasures

If the room is a little more cramped, many people quickly resort to narrower mattress sizes. If you tend to sleep more peacefully and don't need too much room to move when sleeping, there is nothing to stop you from choosing the narrow 80×200 cm mattress.

Die Matratze 80x200 cm lohnt sich besonders, wenn dein Aufenthalt zeitlich begrenzt ist. Hast du ein Gartenhäuschen, garantiert dir „eine Nummer kleiner“ einfach mehr Platz. Auch im Gästezimmer ist die Matratze 80x200 cm mit 1,6 Quadratmetern Liegefläche eine platzsparende Lösung.

Who Sleeps on the 80×200 cm Mattress?

The 80×200 cm mattress is used wherever space is a little tight or the stay will end in the foreseeable future. It can be found in teenagers' rooms and children's beds. The rooms here are usually somewhat smaller and so are the people sleeping on them. The narrow mattress is often found in vacation homes, dachas, guest rooms or even motels. Wherever the focus is more on the daytime program than on a good night's sleep, the 80x200 cm mattress is a sufficient sleeping option. However, the model is also very popular with singles with spartan furnishings and a tendency to be on the road a lot or to spend the night away from home. Double mattresses 80x200 cm are also an option in a double bed.

Mattress 80×200 cm - What to Consider Before Buying?

Before buying an 80×200 cm mattress or any other mattress size, you should always ask yourself a few questions:

  • What type of sleeper am I?
  • How big is my bed?
  • How much space do I really have available?
  • How often do I have overnight guests?

It makes sense to keep an eye on the time frame for answering these questions, because a good mattress will usually accompany you for up to ten years of your life.

Do I sleep like a rock or like a mole?

Do you wake up the same way you went to bed or do you literally burrow through the sheets? If you tend to move around a lot at night, a 90×200 cm mattress or even a 100×200 cm mattress might be better suited to your needs than an 80×200 cm mattress. There is a simple solution for the sheet, even for restless sleep: the BODYGUARD® Jersey Fitted Sheet stays perfectly in place on your mattress thanks to all-round elastic and a non-slip material mix.

Do I really not have room for a wider mattress?

Especially during the summer, many people spend their time in the gazebo. In these rooms, furniture such as tables and chairs can also be used outside during the appropriate season. Here you can carefully scrutinize your space requirements and, if necessary, opt for a wider mattress.

Do I really always sleep alone?

Whether in your own bed or in a guest bed - there is no room for another person on the 80x200 cm mattress. It is too narrow for comfortable nights for two.

80×200 cm Mattress - Single or Couple's Mattress?

In a double pack, 80×200 cm mattresses are widely used as a couple's mattress. When put together, two 80 cm mattresses make a 160x200 cm mattress. This size is traditionally found in many German double beds. Here, two people have 3.2 m² of sleeping space, so there is enough room for both of them. However, consider the disadvantages in terms of comfort before you decide to buy two 80×200 cm mattresses instead of a single 160×200 cm mattress. Two mattresses always form a so-called visiting crack in the middle. In the middle of the bed, this gap affects lying stability - the entire area appears somewhat softer. The more leeway the mattresses have, the easier it is for limbs to sink into the visiting crack or for the hard bed frame to be felt in the middle of the bed. If both people sleeping in the bed have similar expectations of a firm or soft lying sensation, a full-length mattress is always the more comfortable option. If the requirements for firmness are too different, a gap filler, a full-length mattress cover in combination with a full-length fitted sheet or a 160×200 cm topper can reduce the gap between the mattresses.

Mattress 80×210 cm and Mattress 80×220 cm

With the 80×210 cm mattress and the 80×220 cm mattress, a narrow mattress size is also available for tall people. If you are taller than 180 cm, you should start thinking about a longer mattress. As a guide: at the head and foot end, you should have about 10 cm of space. Taller people should then opt for an 80×210 cm mattress or an 80×220 cm mattress.

... You Can Topper

The right topper for the 80 x 200 cm mattress is of course the 80×200 cm topper. A topper that is too large makes it difficult to pull up a sheet. A topper that is too small reduces the actual lying surface, especially with this narrow mattress size, and leads to uncomfortable slopes at the edges. With two 80×200 cm mattresses, you can use a continuous 160×200 cm topper to bridge and soften any gap between the mattresses.